Updated: Patrick Chan Fan Art Gallery, September 3, 2016

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Patrick Chan photo fan art filtered by LunaPic's Kandinsky Art effect
“Patrick Chan and Blackbird”.
(Photo via @Pchiddy, fan art by Viv using LunaPic’s Kandinsky Art effect.)

Patrick made his appearance at Skate Canada’s High Performance Camp earlier this week, and the flurry of news that followed generated several photos of him. He posted one of them below, which quickly inspired a fun fan photo editing contest!

Patrick Chan News, September 2, 2016

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Last updated: Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Patrick Chan poses for a photo by a fan at Skate Canada's Breaking the Ice 2016 Reception, September 1, 2016. (Photo by @QuadAxel3Toe.)
Patrick at Skate Canada’s Breaking the Ice 2016 Reception. (Photo by @QuadAxel3Toe. Used with permission.)
When I planned this post three weeks ago, I thought I would only be writing about Patrick at the Breaking the Ice 2016 meet and greet. Little did I know what drama would unfold that would lead to the announcement (at Skate Canada’s High Performance Camp) that he would skate without a coach for a little while. But more than that, he spoke about his commitment to skating, finding confidence, and his retirement plans after the 2018 Olympics, all with a very pleasant demeanor. Steve Buffery of the Toronto Sun called Patrick’s attitude “strangely upbeat” for being in this situation, and I’ve noticed it as well. From the little we had seen of Patrick until Wednesday, he seemed relaxed, unworried, and even cheerful. So what gives?

Patrick Chan and His Little Fans

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Patrick Chan Kids Collage 20

One of the lesser-known things about Patrick is how many little fans he has, and how much he loves them. When I tried to compile a page of photos of him and the young ones, I only managed to get to 2013, but I will keep digging as far back as I can, because these pics are just adorable! Plus, I believe Patrick could use the power of good memories to help him weather this challenging time in his career. Below are select photos of him with the kids. For the rest, go here.

Updated: Kathy Johnson Resigns as Patrick’s Coach

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Patrick Chan and coach Kathy Johnson wave to the crowd after his victory at the 2016 Four Continents Championship in Taipei, February 2016
Patrick and Kathy in happier times. (Source: YouTube)

This was unexpected – much to my surprise (and I’m sure a lot of you), on Monday morning (August 22) we learned via Twitter that Kathy Johnson, Patrick’s coach of four years, had resigned. The news was posted by Amy Rosewater, Director of Communications at the Casey Cares Foundation, and a freelance writer for Icenetwork.

Lifestyles of Rich and Famous Figure Skaters

Posted 1 CommentPosted in Musings, Patrick Chan, Patrick Chan Videos
Last updated: Saturday, February 10, 2018

New Update (February 2018): Around August 2017, Patrick had mentioned selling his GTR to a new owner. This makes his time of ownership approximately 18 months. The new owner, Mikey Marotta, posted this photo of his car beside the GTR while Patrick still drove it in Michigan. The GTR is pictured on the left.

Patrick Chan laughs while showing off his luxury Nissan GT-R that used to belong to the late actor Paul Walker.

Hello skating fans! For those of you who prefer only to watch Patrick with his dog, skip to 0:14 and 10:41 of the above video. Otherwise, welcome to this episode of “Lifestyles of Rich and Famous Figure Skaters”! I am writing this post on the fly very early on a Sunday morning, so pardon me. But many thanks to CZeroMedia for posting this video review of Patrick’s latest acquisition, a GTR that belonged to the late actor Paul Walker. What I love about this video is that I get to hear Patrick talking for more than 10 minutes (curse you, rain!) as he drives. Not only that, he is relaxed and smiling throughout most of it, too!

Patrick Chan News Roundup, August 12, 2016

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Penned illustrations of Patrick's The Ice 2016 performances by @mkr_en.
A collage of @mkr_en‘s complete series of illustrations of Patrick’s The Ice 2016 performances. Read more about it below.
Patrick Chan spins fast during a performance for The Ice 2016. Source: YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3oZ-IrAR9Q

With The Ice 2016 tour successfully wrapped up, Patrick is most likely on his way home by now. After last week’s frenzy of events and social media postings, this week we saw the quieter side of Pchiddy. However, the stream of posted images continued unabated, demonstrating his popularity among Japanese figure skating fans.

On Monday, Patrick posted this relaxing photo of him strolling in a green environment – most appropriate for the outdoorsman that he is. But wait! Did you see what he was carrying? No? Right-click twice to enlarge the photo.