Patrick Chan News, November 2017
Patrick has withdrawn from the NHK Trophy and will not be attending the Grand Prix Final this year (a big loss to his Japanese fans). But that does not mean his fans (both professional and casual) are not actively talking about him or preparing to see him the next time he competes. From interviews to music videos to buying tickets, they are committed to supporting him!
November 30: Patrick to be in Quebec / A Break from Marina?
On this last day of the month (and therefore the last update to this month-long post) came little tidbits of updates about Patrick for us, the news-starved fans! Hat tip to the eagle-eyed fans who brought some of these to my attention!
Skate Canada Challenge, November 29-December 3, 2017
This was the only announcement that Patrick would be in Quebec this weekend that I could find. Skate Canada’s event webpage does not mention the athlete ambassadors.
Good luck to our Athlete Ambassadors @Pchiddy and @weaverPoje in the Skate Canada Challenge this weekend!
— Right To Play Canada (@RightToPlayCAN) November 30, 2017
Patrick Will Be at Nationals and the Olympics
According to PJ Kwong, Patrick intends to compete at both events: