Patrick Chan News Roundup, August 8, 2016

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It’s been such a fun and exciting August for Pchiddy and his friends and fans! Thank you, Patrick, for sharing so many photos and videos of your amazing time in Japan this past week!

This may be history in the making, but I don’t think I’ve seen Patrick post a fun video of himself in a long time, if ever! Most of the other videos that he posted this year have been sports-related or promotional in nature, but not for personal enjoyment or pleasure. What? You thought Pchiddy was a super-serious person who never cracked a smile? Are you only used to seeing him look like this?

A collage of Patrick Chan's serious expressions from various photos and video captures.

But you are not used to him smiling and having fun in “competition”, like this?

Patrick Chan News Roundup, August 1, 2016

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Patrick is in Japan to perform at The Ice 2016’s 10th anniversary programs in Osaka, Nagoya, and Kitakyushu. Not only is he having fun with his friends, but he’s also drawing a lot of praise from audiences there as well!

The Beauty of Patrick Chan as Captured by Photographer Emi

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Patrick Chan SOI Esqualo by emy_can 5-09-16 Photo 2
Patrick’s perfect posture. (Photo © Emi. Used with permission.)

Ever since I spotted this Stars on Ice (SOI) Toronto photo of Patrick by skating fan Emi (above), something about his face and pose on the ice during that moment just captured me (it also showed the best side of him). The expression is serious but not harsh, focused but not isolating, with a bit of softness added. He is just… in the moment, still and calm as deep waters, or so it seems.

Interview with a CHANpion Fan

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GIF of Patrick Chan and coach Kathy Johnson waving to fans holding up a banner, "The CHANpion is Back", at the 2016 Four Continents Championships in Taipei, Taiwan.
Patrick and his coach Kathy wave to Bea and fans holding a banner with the words, “The CHANpion Is Back” at the 2016 Four Continents Championships in Taipei, Taiwan. (Source: YouTube)

Remember those “obnoxious” banner-waving fans who appeared at the end of every video and broadcast of Patrick’s spectacular 2016 Four Continents Championships (4CC) free program, the ones Patrick and Kathy waved to after they learned that he had won? Well, I asked Bea and she was very generous to allow me to interview her about her experiences there, and what it was like to meet her favorite CHANpion, Patrick.

Q&A with Patrick Chan Fan “Happylife”

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Patrick Chan fan Happylife hugs and poses with a happy Patrick at a restaurant, May 2012. (Photo © Happylife. Used with permission.)
Happylife with Patrick at a fundraising dinner, May 2012. (Photo © Happylife. Used with permission.)

Recently I had the pleasure of interviewing Happylife, a longtime fan who met Patrick at several events including competitions, shows, and fundraising dinners. She was very generous to discuss her experiences and share her personal photos with us. Happylife emphasized that it was Patrick’s personality that impressed her, and not just his skating skills.