Patrick looked great this past week, whether he was indoors showing off shiny new blades, or outdoors displaying the metallic glint of his Olympic silver medal. Either way, he exuded a healthy summer glow!
New Blades for New Skates
Look at the gleaming MK Blades Phantom welded to Patrick’s custom Italian-made Edea Concerto boots! Certainly he looked very pleased and seemed impatient to start the new season with them.
Getting the season started with new @mkblades! Thx @edeaskates for adding some custom technology to my Concerto’s 😉 pic.twitter.com/O3GI8fLUYx
— Patrick Chan (@Pchiddy) July 18, 2016
I confess that seeing those new pairs of skates made me a bit impatient as well – impatient to see what the short program choreographed by Pasquale Camerlengo will look like and sound like. But I say… take your time and enjoy the summer, Patrick! Relocating to another city will be stressful enough without having to worry about upcoming competitions.
Figure Skater on the Green!
It’s not often that I see figure skaters surrounded by green instead of frozen white, but such a rare occasion presented itself yesterday when Patrick appeared with fellow Olympian Brad Jacobs at the Glen Abbey Golf Club in Oakville, Ontario for the RBC Canadian Open. Patrick is one of several Olympians sponsored by Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) through a program that hires elite athletes to be community ambassadors and prepares them for life after sport. Currently Patrick is participating in the program until 2017.
Our employees and their families meet #RBCOlympians Patrick Chan & Brad Jacobs for a fun Family Day at the #RBCCO! pic.twitter.com/Lg2PirtsQm
— RBC (@RBC) July 23, 2016
With his Sochi Olympic medal in tow, Patrick met and took photos with various fans at the open. My favorite is the one below with a young boy named Chris, who had the pleasure of holding the medal. I don’t know how many Olympic athletes like Patrick have generously let a child hold their precious medal without anxiety (and without nervously holding on to it), but also with such a genuinely happy smile. The prize, which was once called a “stupid, little medal”, did good yesterday! It made someone else happy just to see and touch it!
More happy photos with the fans:
Fantastic golf athletes @RBCCanadianOpen. Other great athletes too! TY for the chat @Pchiddy @curlercups. #TeamRBC pic.twitter.com/aJyqsoqRJ8
— Heather Gerrits (@FreestyleSkiMom) July 23, 2016
These guys wore matching shorts, too…
Got to meet some Olympians today! @pchan31 @curlercups #TeamRBC #rbccanadianopen #tofupillow
A photo posted by Mike (@chopstickhero) on
Patrick enjoyed acting goofy as he pointed at his larger-than-life image. Heck, he should have taken a sharpie and signed it, too! I’m sure that the RBC wouldn’t have minded having his autograph there!
Thanks @RBC for having me @RBCCanadianOpen to watch the best golfers in the world play. Got 2 meet Patrick Chan too! pic.twitter.com/bFCIp5BpVI
— Patrick Chan (@Pchiddy) July 23, 2016
More Golf in Vancouver?
In the future, with Patrick being the all-round natural-born athlete that he is, I wouldn’t be surprised to see him doing more of this:

–Blair Armitage
Read more about Patrick’s golf video shoot (the source of my GIF above) and the similarities between figure skating and golf here. With Patrick’s upcoming move to Vancouver, I expect him to spend more time on the green. Who knows, during summers fans may even spot him at the Quilchena Golf & Country Club in Richmond, BC!
“I’ve played golf since I was young. It’s been a sport that I’ve always admired and it’s one of my hobbies for sure,” Patrick said here.