Where the Blackbird Flies: Stop 2 – Canada

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Last updated: Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The end of October is almost upon us, and soon we will see Patrick at his first ISU Grand Prix event of the season in Mississauga, Ontario! Patrick plans to do his new quadruple jump and go head to head with longtime rival Yuzuru Hanyu.

Where to Watch

The Skate Canada website will be live streaming the practice sessions. See their live stream schedule here!

See the Canadian broadcasting schedule of the event here.

See Icenetwork’s streaming schedule here.

The Timezones

For those of you watching the event live, the Mens’ short program event will begin on Friday, October 28 at 9:08 PM local time, according to the ISU’s competition timetable. Here are the global time zones:

Patrick Chan Post-Finlandia Media Roundup

Posted Leave a commentPosted in Patrick Chan News, Patrick Chan Photos, Patrick Chan Videos
Last updated: Wednesday, December 21, 2016

The 2016 Finlandia Trophy event produced a torrent of photos, videos, and news media that continued to accumulate after Patrick won silver. Here is a summary of what was not included in my Finlandia Trophy Roundup. All in all, I think Patrick is in a really good place with his new coaching team and skating “family” in Canton!

News articles
But I will never change anything that happened because Kathy has taught me so much about things beyond skating, about being a man, about how to be independent. She pushed me in the right direction to be a good person, and to find myself really, and to do it properly.

Patrick Chan Finlandia Trophy Free Skate 10-08-2016

Patrick Chan 2016 Finlandia Trophy Roundup

Posted Leave a commentPosted in Patrick Chan News, Patrick Chan Photos, Patrick Chan Videos
Last updated: Wednesday, October 19, 2016

*UPDATE: Patrick won silver after the free program!* In the past few days I have been blogging Finlandia Trophy-related photos, news, and whatever else could be found about Patrick. I recapped mostly in reverse chronological order, with the newest items at the top. It’s been a blast getting up in the very early hours of the morning to live blog for the first time. Now I can’t believe that it’s over!

Quick links (these are also embedded or linked below):
SP: (Video)
FS: (Video)
Victory ceremony: (Video)
Judges Scores: (Link)

October 9, 2016: The Victors

Patrick seemed pleased, and the camaraderie between him and Nathan continued on the podium. Maxim made him laugh as well. I enjoyed watching the two young girls in the audience who were thrilled that Patrick bowed in front of them.

Where the Blackbird Flies: Stop 1 – Finland

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Espoo Metro Areena, formerly known as Barona Areena. (Photo by junafani / Source: Wikimedia Commons)
Espoo Metro Areena, formerly known as Barona Areena. (Photo by junafani / Source: Wikimedia Commons)
It’s hard to believe that summer has passed and skating season is upon us! This year, Patrick opens the 2016-2017 season in Espoo, Finland, where he will compete for the Finlandia Trophy. Here is a short preview of what he (and we) might see in Finland.

The Timezone

For those of you watching the event live, the Mens’ short program event will start at 2 PM local time, according to the ISU’s competition timetable. That equates to the following North American time zones:

An Illustrated History of Patrick Chan’s Costumes

Posted Leave a commentPosted in Patrick Chan, Patrick Chan Photos, Patrick Chan Videos
Last updated: Wednesday, December 14, 2016

*Updated – see below.* Now that questions about Patrick’s coaching team are settled, let’s turn our attention to another important topic: What will Patrick wear to the Finlandia competition? Fans are already discussing which colors will pair with his Blackbird and Journey programs. Whatever he wears, I don’t think we’ll see the final version of all of his costumes there. As last season demonstrated, Patrick’s costumes for both of his programs were works in progress. What I do know is that he won’t be wearing this.

I like Patrick’s “Esqualo” shirt, which is pictured on the header above this post. Another of my favorite costumes is the elegant black/gray shirt he wore for his “Elegie” short program. Somehow it looked like he was wearing an entire constellation of stars!

Patrick Chan and the Search for the Golden Coach

Posted 1 CommentPosted in Musings, Patrick Chan
Patrick Chan and his mystery coach. (Background screencap: YouTube)
(Background screencap: YouTube)

Update 9/23/16: Patrick announced his new coaching team (article link) consisting of Marina Zoueva, Oleg Epstein and Johnny Johns. He will continue to train at the Arctic Edge Arena in Canton, Michigan. I wish him and his new coaching team the best. May harmony, understanding and encouragement prevail as they work together. Good luck, Patrick!

Ever since Kathy Johnson unexpectedly announced her resignation, there has been much speculation about who would be Patrick’s next coach. It may be that the new coach will be revealed tomorrow, in which case this blog post may be rendered obsolete. Nevertheless, as he mulls over his choices and figures out who he would be “100 percent sure on“, here are my thoughts on his search for the holy grail… er, golden coach.