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2017 Stars On Ice Updates, Week 4: Victoria and Vancouver

Last updated: Thursday, June 1, 2017

May 21: Patrick Enjoys the Beach

After a successful conclusion to the Stars On Ice tour, Patrick stayed in Vancouver for the weekend and enjoyed the chilly beach!

May 18: Vancouver Show
Videos from Vancouver

A surprise happy birthday greeting!

😍😍😍 wow #starsonice

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Chiddy lost his hat, but kept skating:

#starsonice @pchan31 So happy I got to see him skate live!

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Stars on Ice!

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Photos from Vancouver

Had the best time at stars on ice! @starsonice

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Front tow ticket and backstage pass!!! #soi #starsonice #patrickchan

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#starsonice #figureskating

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You go Patty!!! #starsonice #patrickchan

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#starsonice #figureskating

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Patrick did it first and got his just “desserts”!

CTV Morning Interview

Patrick and Kurt Browning went to the CTV Studios this morning! See a transcript of the parts of the interview with Patrick below.

Jason (Reporter): Patrick, it was a bonus that you’re joining Kurt here… thanks for both of you being here so early.

Patrick: My pleasure.

Jason (Reporter): … How cool is that for the three of you (Kurt, Elvis, Patrick) to be together?

Patrick: Yeah, it’s an inspiration to see Elvis on the ice… somebody I’ve looked up to, and he’s actually one of the few people I remember watching on TV when I was just starting to skate, and I remember him at ’98 Nagano Olympics and, really fighting for that silver medal, so it’s cool to be on the ice and interact on this level, being at the level that we are at now.

Jason (Reporter): But the focus is obviously a lot different for you, Patrick. Because it’s an Olympic year ahead…

Patrick: Em hmm…

Jason (Reporter): But to be a part of this, obviously it works on your artistry and… but do you still think about your technical thing when you know it’s going to be a big year ahead and…

Patrick: Yeah, I committed to this because it’s very helpful, actually, for me to enjoy skating… remember that skating can be fun. At the end of a long season, and with an Olympic season ahead, you get carried away with how intense it can be and you lose a little sense of fun and artistry and, interaction with the audience that you lose a bit, because you’re so focused on the technical… on the quads and the very difficult jumps, so… For me, it’s… I’m looking forward to next season and it’s gonna be a tough one, so…

Jason (Reporter): Exciting one, though, for skating fans…

Patrick: Yeah, yeah, yeah…

Jason (Reporter): Go for another medal.

Patrick: Yes.

Jason (Reporter): …Well, great seeing you, and good luck the rest of the way, especially good luck to you (gestures toward Patrick)…

Patrick: Thank you.

Jason (Reporter): Next season, and thanks for joining us this morning.

Patrick: Pleasure.

May 17: Sightseeing in Victoria and Vancouver Island

On our way to the last stop this year: VANCOUVER🙌🏼 – #StarsOnIce

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Patrick, Kaetlyn, Eric, and Dylan toured The Butchart Gardens (with its bronze dragon fountain from China) and around Vancouver Island. I’m guessing that the garden visit was Kaetlyn’s idea, and I think she made a great choice!

Kaetlyn shared these photos on her Instagram account:

May 16: Victoria Show
Videos from Victoria

Photos from Victoria

Victoria we will always love you! Thanks for the great vibes✨ #StarsOnIce

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STARS ✨ ON ❄️ICE 🌟 WAS ⛸ INCREDIBLE #starsonice thanks for the amazing birthday present @omnomlettes

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May 15: Day Off

Patrick went bowling with Eric Radford and Anastasia Buscis:

Bowling is a sport for people with talent to spare 🥇🥈🥉 #RefuseToLose #WinnersNeverQuitOnThemselves 📷: @kaetkiss

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