Patrick Chan FansPatrick Chan NewsPatrick Chan Photos

Patrick Chan News Roundup, August 12, 2016

Penned illustrations of Patrick's The Ice 2016 performances by @mkr_en.
A collage of @mkr_en‘s complete series of illustrations of Patrick’s The Ice 2016 performances. Read more about it below.
Patrick Chan spins fast during a performance for The Ice 2016. Source: YouTube

With The Ice 2016 tour successfully wrapped up, Patrick is most likely on his way home by now. After last week’s frenzy of events and social media postings, this week we saw the quieter side of Pchiddy. However, the stream of posted images continued unabated, demonstrating his popularity among Japanese figure skating fans.

On Monday, Patrick posted this relaxing photo of him strolling in a green environment – most appropriate for the outdoorsman that he is. But wait! Did you see what he was carrying? No? Right-click twice to enlarge the photo.

Avid reader that I am, my curiosity about the book he carried leads me to guess that it was perhaps a travel guide. Speaking of items carried, Patrick was kind enough to take a picture with this fan’s grandmother, all while lugging a mystery bag (see the enlarged photo).

Summer Fun with Friends

While in Kitakyushu, it seems that Patrick might have toured a local shrine (as suggested by @tofutabi), where he looked on as Mirai Nagasu picked out some items.

Then Mirai posted this group photo where Patrick was in total summer mode. Look at those open-toed skates – I mean sandals – on his feet!

In another group photo backstage, Patrick was once again next to Mirai with no skates on:

Yet more fan photos of Patrick and the cast:

they are absolutely brilliant skater<img decoding=” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>thank you so much<img decoding=” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>英語を話せない自分を呪いました<img decoding=” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>それでもスケーターの皆さんは優しく接して下さいました<img decoding=” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”> theice素晴らしかったです。come back Japan<img decoding=” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”> #Patrickchan #adamrippon #joannierochette #frolantamodio #theice #theice2016 #Japan #Canada #USA #France #figureskater

A photo posted by オレンジドラゴン (@orangedoragonn) on

Of Cakes and Confetti

Now, who wouldn’t look sad after being forced to drag a 10-ton cake across the ice (and not being able to eat any of it)? Despite his silly pout, Patrick’s words were much more straightforward:

The cake looked glorious (and much better with confetti on it) during the show:

20160810 . THE ICE 2016 北九州公演<img decoding=” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”><img decoding=” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”> ひたすら 贅沢な時間 <img decoding=” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”> 念願 の 浅田真央ちゃん の 演技 を 生で 観られた <img decoding=” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>!! たくさんのメダリストの エキシビション、そして 熊本復興支援プログラム すべて が 感動 でした。 . #THEICE #10th_anniversary #SS席 の #価値あり。#感動 して #大号泣 #実は #フィギュアスケート #マニア #<img decoding=” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”> #浅田真央 #浅田舞 #宮原知子 #村上佳菜子 #宇野昌磨 #無良崇人 #長洲未来 #JoannieRochette #CarolinaKostner #JeffreyButtle #PatrickChan #AdamRippon #FlorentAmodio #JasonBrown #がんばれ熊本 #ファイト九州 #happy #love #smile #instagood

A photo posted by Haruka (@harucham65) on

So did the cast:

The view from behind:

こちらを向いてくれなかったw #浅田真央 #真央 #maoasada #mao #theice2016

A photo posted by ring (@ringrangrung2015) on

Patrick crouched beside Mao for this blue-lit group photo:

Happy Pchiddy Fans

Patrick’s artistry on ice has always inspired creativity in others. For example, fan and artist @mkr_en drew these beautiful illustrations of Patrick’s programs at The Ice 2016. They are No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 in a four-part series which I will post in their entirety when finished (at the request of the artist). No. 1 depicts Patrick’s costumes and positions in “Rhapsody in Blue”, and No. 2 illustrates scenes from “Mack the Knife” and “Sunday Morning”. No. 3 and No. 4 show the beautiful show finale.

Here’s No. 1, “Rhapsody in Blue”:

Here’s the artist’s rendition of “Mack the Knife” and “Sunday Morning”.

And beautiful No. 3 and No. 4:

Ask and you shall receive – an autograph, that is – wherever Patrick can scribble one. Here, long-time fan @kyrn23 got his autograph on a “macaroon”. (These are life-sized, stuffed versions of macaroons collected by fans at the show. To see how they work, watch this video.)

THE ICE 2016 in Kitakyushu(2016.08.11) 行く予定なかった北九州公演に急遽行くことになり、千秋楽でパトリックが手渡してくれました。 ★周回じゃない時にバナー見て寄ってきてくれてハイタッチ ★周回の3周目くらいでパトリックがお辞儀してくれてた←初めて! ★マカロン持って目を大きく開いてクリクリさせながら私のほうまで来て「(なんとか)アンド オンリー?」と聞かれたけどちゃんと聞き取れず私は首を縦に振る→パトリックは「よし!」と納得した様子で手渡してくれました<img decoding=” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”> 北九州公演3公演とも他のマカロンなどを小さい子に渡してたパトリック。本当に子供に優しい人だなあとますます好きになりました(*^^*) 色々ありがとうパトリック<img decoding=” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”> (マカロン横のキラキラもパトリックが目の前でパーン!ってやったクラッカーの中身w) #パトリックチャン #patrickchan

A photo posted by @kyrn23 on

These fans took a gorgeous photo with Patrick, who looked like he had been airbrushed for a magazine cover:

With his popularity rising again (his Twitter followers now number 70.5K), I’m not surprised that fans caught up with him at Fukuoka Airport as well. Patrick was happy to pose for photos like this one (and the ones below) with his luggage in hand.

The Ice 2016 has been a success for Patrick and the cast, and during my limited time as a fan, I’ve observed that he always seems happy to be in Japan (and somehow he ends up looking thinner, too). What could be a more fitting and satisfying conclusion to a show tour than to read a comment like the one below? Nope, I will not disagree with anyone who calls Patrick “the king”!

It’s been a great summer so far, and I hope Patrick gets a well-deserved rest (with lots of alone time outdoors) at his new home, where he can reflect, recharge, and renew his strength for the upcoming competitive season. Enjoy the rest of your time off, Patrick!

Show Accolades
“Patrick Chan was amazing.”
“It was absolutely Patrick Chan himself. Awesome aura!”
“It was good to go [to] today’s skating show! Jeffrey Buttle and Patrick Chan were too handsome, fell in love.”
“…”THE ICE” performance of the Asada sisters and Patrick Chan… the world’s top figure skaters, was very impressed. Happy birthday to MOM, I’ll figure tickets again next year lol.”

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