May 14: Calgary Show
What a way to end a great Stars On Ice week – on Mother’s Day! Patrick introduced the video for the group:
— Stars on Ice (@starsonice) May 14, 2017
Videos from Calgary
Love the snow that skaters make when they land jumps. Same cluster of fans on this side so lucky to receive TLC
@Pchiddy @starsonice #SOI17
— VChan (@vcchan) May 15, 2017
Oh, how I wish I was sitting on the side that received his down-on-one-knee swivels.
@Pchiddy @RogersPlace #SOI17 #yeg
— VChan (@vcchan) May 15, 2017
“December, 1963 (Oh, what a night)" The Four Seasons. How do skaters spin like this w/ a hat on their head?
@Pchiddy @starsonice #SOI17
— VChan (@vcchan) May 15, 2017
“Fratres" Arvo Pärt. Simply sublime. So graceful across the ice. @J_Butt @Pchiddy @starsonice @RogersPlace #SOI17 #yeg
— VChan (@vcchan) May 15, 2017
Hm. I find the combo of @Pchiddy and @kaetlyn_23 so soothing to watch. Ice dance number next yr? @starsonice @RogersPlace
— VChan (@vcchan) May 15, 2017
Excuse me, where can I find a pair of LED pants?
@KurtBrowning @J_Butt @Pchiddy @elvisstojko @starsonice @RogersPlace #SOI17 #yeg
— VChan (@vcchan) May 15, 2017
The level of #sportsmanship, #grace, #agility, and #dedication at @StarsOnIce is unparalleled! Thanks for an #amazing show! #SOI17 #calgary
— Investors Group (@Investors_Group) May 15, 2017
Photos from Calgary
Thx @starsonice for the chance to meet @Pchiddy & @J_Butt . They were so sweet when I asked them to take a pic with the cowls I made.
— VChan (@vcchan) May 16, 2017
Photos by Peter Yonemori:
It's a #StarsOnIce Mother's Day Matinee today in #Calgary at Scotiabank Saddledome!
— Stars on Ice (@starsonice) May 14, 2017
May 13: Edmonton Show
Videos from Edmonton
The @starsonice cast may be on the #ice, but they're certainly not #frozen! #SOI17 #athletes #canada
— Investors Group (@Investors_Group) May 14, 2017
Photos from Edmonton
ICYMI: On Saturday night some of Canada's finest figure skaters took over the ice inside #RogersPlace! Show gallery:
— Rogers Place (@RogersPlace) May 15, 2017
Four men, 11 world championship titles. #starsonice @starsonice
— Caroline (@Caroline0T7) May 14, 2017
Practice with Meagan
May 12: Regina Show
We are looking forward to seeing our favourite skaters tomorrow night @starsonice @RogersPlace #yeg
— Sh Pk Skating Club (@skateshpk) May 12, 2017
Thank you @J_Butt and @Pchiddy for that incredible night! Bucket list item checked with a star! Def coming next year!
— Michelle B (@michi_b2089) May 13, 2017
Another amazing @starsonice show! Thank you skaters for sharing your passion, talent and love for skating with #yqr! #starsonice
— Nicole Gryba (@NGryba) May 13, 2017
Another incredible show, another amazing evening. Thank you so much @starsonice! #skaters #SOI17
— Investors Group (@Investors_Group) May 13, 2017
And that’s a wrap! The #SOI17 cast concludes the #Edmonton show in #style! Catch them next week in #Victoria & #Vancouver! @starsonice
— Investors Group (@Investors_Group) May 14, 2017
Here come the @starsonice guys dressed in blue! #figureskating #athletes
— Investors Group (@Investors_Group) May 13, 2017
Great to see #skaters who don't usually skate together, skating together. @starsonice #SOI17
— Investors Group (@Investors_Group) May 13, 2017
We’re here, #Regina! You’ll be awed by the @starsonice #skaters at the @BrandtCentre! #SOI17 #Canada #athletes
— Investors Group (@Investors_Group) May 13, 2017
#SOI17 sorry the pics aren't the greatest I was busy trying to watch mainly but it was awesome!
— Michelle B (@michi_b2089) May 13, 2017
#Skater by day, #sommelier by night… #DYK that #PatrickChan also makes ice #wine?
#SOI17 @starsonice
— Investors Group (@Investors_Group) May 12, 2017
Pre-Show Interview
What a cute interview and skating lesson with Patrick! Click on the video link in the tweet below. I will post a transcript of the interview soon!
VIDEO: @AlexBrownCTV is #OnTheGo at @BrandtCentre with Olympians Patrick Chan & Kaetlyn Osmond for @starsonice
— CTVMorningLiveRegina (@CTVReginaLive) May 12, 2017
Interview: PART I
Alex: Welcome to Regina.
Patrick: Thank you.
Alex: Have you been here before?
Patrick: Yes, I have. I think three years ago with Stars On Ice.
Alex: Awesome! Okay, well, let’s talk about you a little bit, because obviously you are best known for figure skating, but when you were a kid, you had your hands in all types of different sports…
Patrick: Yeah, my mom put me in… my mom and dad put me in all sports, like tennis, swimming, golf, skiing is actually my first sport before skating, so… Skating was just a part of like, my extracurricular activities. It wasn’t anything serious at first.
Alex: What’s kind of kept you in the sport? What’s drawn you and kept you here?
Patrick: Uh… well, I was good at it (laughs). That was the first thing. I figured out I was kind of good at it, and… honestly, I love that I have full control of my own… results. I can control whether I can be on the podium or not. I have complete control over it, and… it’s a very nervewracking feeling to be on the ice by yourself but it also can be the most blissful feeling ever, and… it’s, I think you’re playing with fire. That’s why I like figure skating just because it’s a risk. It’s a risky sport.
Alex: Definitely. Okay, let’s talk a little bit about Stars On Ice. How did you get involved?
Patrick: Well, I started, I believe in 2012 or 2013 and… been doing it every year since. It’s basically a family. We become… you know, obviously the tour is not as big as it used to be, when Kurt and Brian Orser were doing it, but it’s still the quality and… now we have Jeffrey Buttle doing, being creative director and choreographer… It’s, this year’s show is completely different. It’s a lot of energy… brings a lot of energy into the audience and hopefully draws them in, ’cause that’s how we love performing when the audience gets involved.
Alex: Definitely, and the show is in Regina tonight, here at the Brandt Centre, 7:30. Tickets are still available. Why should people come on out?
Patrick: Because it’s great! Figure skating is awesome… we have a lot of blasts, there’s great songs that are being played. Each number is entertaining. Elvis Stojko, Kurt Browning, myself, Jeffrey Buttle, Meagan and Eric, Kaitlyn Osmond… we have great quality skaters and… we just love to show you guys what we can do.
Alex: All right, well, we got to send it back to studio for now. We’re going to be skating with Patrick coming up next. Can you send us off?
Patrick: I sure can, I guess. (laughs)
Alex: Here he goes!
Patrick does his signature final spin.
Alex: (cups her mouth) OMG.
Interview: PART II
Alex: That’s right. I’m back out on the ice with Patrick, and we’re going to do a little bit of skating. I’m a little bit hopeless in the skating department, but maybe you can whip me into Olympic shape. Where do we start?
Patrick: So we’re going to start with bubbles… what we call bubbles. Basically, you just push out and bring them back in, push out, bring them back in… Yeah, and then we can go backwards…
Alex: Omigosh. Patrick…
Patrick: (laughs) Am I asking too much?
Alex: Skating straight backwards is a struggle.
Patrick: And you can have your hands out, too, to help you balance, yeah. (watches her skate) Okay, and then we’re going to do… and now we’re going to do a one foot push, and then balance on one foot.
Alex: Omigosh, he’s so graceful.
(Patrick laughs out loud.)
Alex: You’re like a swan. (she struggles on one foot)
Patrick: That was kind of like a swan, too.
Alex: It’s kind of like the awkward duckling swan version.
Patrick: Yeah, there you go. And then… we’re going to do…
Alex: Geez louise…
Patrick: Slalom or skier, I guess. So you… like you’re going around the gates.
Alex: (tries it) Good?
Patrick: Yeah. Backwards? We can do it backwards.
Alex: Are you…
(They both laugh)
Patrick: Okay, we can do…
Alex: No, I can do it! I’m skiing… (she stumbles; Patrick gasps and holds out his hands in case she falls)
Patrick: Okay, no, that’s not… omigod…
Alex: I’m doing it! No! I want to be like Patrick Chan!
Patrick: (still laughing) Nooo… I’m not responsible…
(But Alex seems to get the hang of it.)
Patrick: Perfect. (He gives two thumbs up.)
Alex: Yay! Okay, what about like a quick… one-two…
Patrick: Yeah, you could do a two-foot spin. Yeah… (he demonstrates) You jump the other way, then. ‘Cause you…
Alex: (tries to do a spin)
Patrick: Yeah… (does another spin, and then some elliptical spinning)
Alex: Look, the Olympics came to Regina! Pairs team… Omigosh, okay…
Patrick: We’re going to try to do it…
Alex: I have to ask you… Tonight, full stack show… Of course, Elvis was in the news…
Patrick: Yes.
Alex: But he’s going to be here in Regina.
Patrick: He is. He already performed in Winnipeg, so he’s already got one show under his belt, and yeah, he’s doing great. The rest of the cast is healthy and… we’re excited for the show.
Alex: How do you guys prepare for a show? Like this, do you have a pump up song or…?
Patrick: We usually… actually, a tradition that we do, with at least Jeffrey Buttle and I… we usually run the stairs of the stadium, just to… like, as a warm up… to try and get us going.
Alex: What??
Patrick: Yeah, yeah. (laughs)
Alex: Omigosh, okay. Well, we’re not going to do that, but we’re going to send it back to you, and we’re going to keep working on our Olympic pairs routine.
(Patrick and Alex skate backwards, but Alex can’t maintain it. Patrick flaps his arms like a bird.)
Alex: Omigod, one day…
レポ―ターの人もさすがカナディアン?頑張ってて楽しそう~ …— camel (@camelspin18) May 13, 2017
'On the Go' with Stars on Ice
— aomomiji (@aomomiji12) May 12, 2017
Interview with the Calgary Herald
It’s official! Patrick will work on adding another quad to his repertoire this summer.
Patrick Chan enjoying focusing on artistry at Stars on Ice
— Herald Headlines (@HeraldHeadlines) May 12, 2017
May 11: On to Regina!
Just landed! Hello Regina
, we're excited for tomorrow's show at 7:30pm at the @BrandtCentre #StarsOnIce
— Stars on Ice (@starsonice) May 12, 2017
May 10: Winnipeg Show
Videos from Winnipeg
can u believe Patrick Chan and Kaetlyn Osmond danced together and to City of Stars
— tabitha (@soft_tabs) May 11, 2017
The boys of @starsonice rocking #Brightlights @elvisstojko @J_Butt @Pchiddy @KurtBrowning #worldchampions #canadasbest
— LutzofGreens (@LutzofGreens) May 11, 2017
Tbh @Pchiddy is more handsome in person @starsonice
(@pommedetori) May 11, 2017
Photos from Winnipeg
Check out the #smiles on our #Winnipeg meet and greet #winners’ faces! @starsonice is at @RogersArena tonight, #Vancouver! See you soon!
— Investors Group (@Investors_Group) May 19, 2017
Thanks to @Pchiddy for taking time PRE show last night at @starsonice #winnipeg for making MOMs Mother's Day! #ClassAct
— Jimmy Mac (@winnipegmac1) May 11, 2017
A great evening at @Investors_Group @starsonice with @KurtBrowning @elvisstojko @Pchiddy
— Doug Blaylock (@DougBlaylock) May 10, 2017
Great performance Patrick; being all confident and stylish. I want to be like you when I grow up! #winnipeg #Mike4MMVA #starsonice
— Christine Becker (@missyb_1981) May 11, 2017
It’s hard to miss Investors Group @starsonice presented by @LindtCanada’s @Pchiddy’s slick moves! #SOI17
— Investors Group (@Investors_Group) May 11, 2017
How amazing was the @starsonice performance last night?! All the skaters put on such a show! #mtscentre #winnipeg
— MTS Centre (@mtscentre) May 11, 2017
That's a wrap @mtscentre! Thanks for a great night Winnipeg, it was fun! #StarsOnIce
— Stars on Ice (@starsonice) May 11, 2017
Lunch before Winnipeg's show at the @mtscentre!! See you all at 7pm #StarsOnIce
— Stars on Ice (@starsonice) May 10, 2017
Winnipeg, see you in a few hours!
Tell us what you're most excited for about for tonight's #StarsOnIce show!
— Stars on Ice (@starsonice) May 10, 2017
May 8: Asian Heritage Month
Patrick was featured at the top of this poster!
It's #AsianHeritageMonth ! @Pchiddy @shaunmajumder @APClarkson
— Roch Archambault (@archambaultr) May 8, 2017
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