If there’s one thing Patrick could use more of – that’s fun therapy – and it looks like he got a dose of it when he was at Rogers Arena for the Stars on Ice Tour, as shown in this fabulous photo by Megan Yim:
Yes, I dare say that he looked years younger while making that face, and I’d encourage him to do it more often!
Another way to stay happy and carefree is to hang out with friends. Patrick is shown here with pals Jean-Luc Baker and Elladj Baldé, looking very happy indeed.
Patrick Chan, Jean-Luc Baker, Elladj Balde pic.twitter.com/Qh1mohqUdl
— Фигурное катание (@figurnoekatanie) June 9, 2016
And Patrick was featured in a Japanese newspaper. He looks very good in black and white:
” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>” class=”emoji” draggable=”false”>の新聞記事の切り抜きを自分の机に並べておいてたッ! pic.twitter.com/hbATcaxWNA
— KeisukeEnosawa (@enos_studio) June 2, 2016
6月1日夕刊 pic.twitter.com/tu7UYBjNl8
— yuppi (@shoma_skating) June 1, 2016
A happy and fun June to Patrick!